About the Book



Leader = Winner

“I have known Major Bill Spies, a Ranger Hall of Fame inductee, for nearly half of a century. I selected him to be my S-3, Operations Officer, in 1973 when I commanded the Ranger Department, Fort Benning, Ga. When the Personnel Officer informed me that Bill was available, he made a point that this Major had only one leg. My response was, “Does he think and write with his foot?” Bill spent twenty-two months in the hospital due to earlier shrapnel wounds and later, in another fire-fight, an enemy gunshot wound that resulted in the amputation. Both times that he was wounded he was leading ARVN troops in 1st Corps under the 1st Marine Force Recon Battalion during 1966 accomplishing highly classified long-range patrols. Signed: David E. Grange, Jr. LTG (Ret) U.S.A.